Library Commands

The library commands are used to manage folders and objects in the library.

These commands work with the SIMULIA Execution Engine.

The following commands are available:

createfolder folder:<folder_path>

Takes a folder path and ensures that the library has the indicated chain of nested folders, creating each of the missing folders (if any). If the command client is connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine library, the user must have at least MODIFY permission on the last existing folder in the path, or on the library "root" if no folder in the path exist, plus at least READ permission on all other folders. All missing folders will be created with ALTER permission for the current user and READ permission for all other users.

deletefolder folder:<folder_path>

Takes a folder path and deletes the last folder named on the path, along with all objects published under that folder and, recursively, all folders beneath that folder. If the command client is connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine library, the user must have at least MODIFY permission on that folder, its parent folder (or the library "root" if there is no parent folder), and all objects and folders, recursively, beneath that folder, plus at least READ permission on the library "root" and all higher folders in the path.

move name:<library_name> ver:<version> to:<folder_path>

Takes an object publication path-and-name and a folder path, and moves the named object from under its current folder to the last folder named in the given path. If an object version is specified, only that version of the object is moved; otherwise all versions are moved. In either case, there must not be a published object of the same name under the destination folder. If the command client is connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine library, the user must have at least MODIFY permission on the published object (or on the specified version), on its parent folder, and on the destination folder, plus at least READ permission on the library "root" and all higher folders in both paths. All per-object and per-version permissions are retained by the moved object.

copy name:<library_name> ver:<version> to:<folder_path>

Takes an object publication path-and-name and a folder path, and copies the named object from under its current folder to the last folder named in the given path. If an object version is specified, only that version of the object is copied; otherwise all versions are copied. Both the named object, or the specified version of the named object, and the destination folder must already exist. In either case, there must not be a published object of the same number under the destination folder. If the command client is connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine library, the user must have at least READ permission on the published object (or on the specified version) and on its parent folder, and MODIFY permission on the destination folder, plus at least READ permission on the library "root" and all higher folders in both paths. All per-object and per-version permissions are also copied.

movefolder folder: <folder_path1> to:<folder_path2>

Takes source and destination folder paths, and moves the last folder named in the source path to under the last folder named in the destination path. All objects and folders, recursively, under the moved folders are moved with the folder. Both the source and destination folders must already exist. There must not be a folder of the same name as the source folder under the destination folder. If the command client is connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine library, the user must have at least MODIFY permission on the named source folder, its parent folder (or the library "root" if there is no parent folder), all objects and folders, recursively, beneath that folder, and the destination folder, plus at least READ permission on the library "root" and all higher folders in both paths. All per-object and per-version permissions are retained by all moved objects, and all permissions are retained by the moved folders.

copyfolder folder: <folder_path1> to:<folder_path2>

Takes the source and destination folder paths, and copies the last folder named in the source path, to under the last folder named in the destination path. All objects and folders, recursively, under the copied folder are copied with the folder. Both the source and the destination folders must already exist. There must not be a folder of the same name as the source folder under the destination folder. If the command client is connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine library, the user must have at least READ permission on the named source folder and all objects and folders, recursively, beneath that folder, and at least MODIFY permission on the destination folder, plus at least READ permission on the library "root" and all the higher folders in both paths. All per-object and per-version permissions are duplicated for copied objects, and all folder permissions are duplicated for copied folders.

renamefolder folder: <folder_path> to:<folder_name>

Takes a folder path and a single folder name, and renames the last folder named by the given path to the given name. The last folder of the given path must exist, and its parent folder (or the library "root" if there is no parent folder) must not contain a folder of the given new name. If the command client is connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine library, the user must have at least MODIFY permission on the renamed folder and its parent folder (or the library "root" if there is no parent folder), plus at least READ permission on all the higher folders in the path.