Graph Types that Support Job Selection

For certain graph types Isight allows you to specify the job information that will be used to create the graph and, depending on the graph type, to plot each job’s data as a separate series. For all other graph types the most recently executed job is used to create the graph.

For information about job selection and plotting each job’s data as a separate series, see Creating Graphs for Components.

The following graph types support job selection:

  • Area graphs

  • Array graphs

  • Contour graphs

  • Cumulative frequency graphs

  • Frequency graphs

  • History graphs

  • Line graphs

  • Monte Carlo cumulative frequency graphs

  • Multi-Axis graphs

  • Parallel coordinate graphs

  • 2D Scatter plot graphs

  • 3D Scatter plot graphs

  • Step graphs

  • Surface graphs

  • Value graphs

The following graph types support plotting each job’s data as a separate series:

  • Area graphs

  • Array graphs

  • History graphs

  • Line graphs

  • Value graphs