About External Referenced Models

An external referenced model is created outside of the current model and reused in the current model.

The external referenced model to be reused is sometimes referred to as the “remote model,” while the model that reuses this remote model is referred to as the “local model.” The local and remote models are “linked” at the parameter level. In other words, the local model “drives” the remote model by supplying values for its input parameters and reading its output parameters. Conceptually, the local model just holds a reference to the remote model (it is not copied), and the remote model becomes just one more execution element (component) in the local model.

Referenced models can be either external or federated, as follows:

  • External. An external model is distinct from the local model. It must have been published to the local Isight library before it can be used as a reference model.

  • Federated. A federated model is also distinct from the local model. However, it must be published in a partner library. This type of reference uses a model and a version in a library at a partner site (both you and the partner site must be connected to a SIMULIA Execution Engine). The term “partner” refers to separate SIMULIA Execution Engine installations that may be inside or outside your organization. Partner sites are identified and configured by the SIMULIA Execution Engine administrator. For more information on SIMULIA Execution Engine federation, refer to the SIMULIA Execution Engine Federation (B2B) Guide.

The referenced model can retain all of its details when it appears in the local model, including its complete subflow, root component name, parameters, icons, etc., based on your permissions and the nature of the referenced model. You can also access the component editors for components in the referenced model, view parameter mappings, etc. However, if the referenced model is external (i.e., published in the library), you cannot edit it within the referencing model (you can load the referenced model from the library, edit it, publish a new version, and “re-sync” the reference to that new version).

How Isight Handles External Referenced Models

When you are working with external referenced models, you should understand how Isight handles certain aspects of referenced models.

Consider the following:

  • The Reference component takes on the same input and output parameters as the referenced model (i.e., when a referenced model is selected, the component adds the same corresponding input and output parameters to its own component instance). The referenced parameter names are always the referenced model parameter names.

    Note: If you do not want to use the referenced model parameter names in the local model, you can use the Mapping tab to change the parameter setup.

  • The Reference component maintains a link to the referenced model by storing the referenced model name, version, and partner ID (for federated references) as properties.

  • The referenced model can be replaced by any model that has like-named parameters at the root. In other words, the referenced model parameters are recognized by name, so any model with the same root parameter names can be substituted.