Creating an External Executable Optimization Program

Before you can create an external executable optimization plug-in, you must create the external executable program upon which the plug-in will be based. Isight provides a template file to help you create the external executable program. Alternatively, you can create your own external executable program without using the template.

Before you begin: You must have a C language compiler on your machine to be able to compile the template file into an executable program.

  1. From the Design Gateway Tools menu, select SDK Generator.

    The Isight SDK Generator appears.

  2. From the Isight SDK Generator File menu, select New and select Plug-in.

    The Select a Plug-in Category dialog box appears.

  3. Select Optimization Technique.

  4. Click OK.

    The Optimization Technique options appear.

  5. Select Java Wrapper on the left side of the Isight SDK Generator.

    1. Select Call external executable directly without a Java wrapper.
    2. Click Template to export the template file provided with Isight:


    3. Click Save, and save the template in any location.

  6. Exit the Isight SDK Generator.

  7. Edit the template as needed.

  8. Compile the template file to create the external executable program. Typical compilation commands are as follows:

    • Windows: cl -o my.exe OptTechniqueProgramTemplate.c

    • Linux: cc -lm -o my.exe OptTechniqueProgramTemplate.c