From the component editor, click the General
or Options tab.
Map technique and execution options to a parameter
as follows.
To map technique options, right-click in the technique
option’s value field and select Map this value to a parameter.
To map execution options, right-click the option and
select Map this value to a parameter.
The Select a Parameter dialog
box appears.
From the Select a Parameter
dialog box, type a name for the parameter (or use the default name),
and click OK.
Once mapped, the icon appears next to the option’s value.
You can click this icon to view or change the parameter name. The parameters
you created will appear in the Design Gateway
Parameters tab as members of a special aggregate
parameter called Mapped Attributes and Options.
To remove a mapping, right-click the appropriate setting
and select Remove the defined parameter mapping.
Click OK to save your changes
and to close the component editor.
To confirm that the correct mappings were created,
do the following:
From the Design Gateway,
click the Parameters tab.
Locate the new aggregate parameter called Mapped
Attributed and Options, and click the icon to expand the parameter.
The Design Gateway
displays the mappings that you created under the aggregate parameter.
If desired, map any output parameter from another component
to the design driver component’s parameter.
At run time, the value of the option is set from the
value of the linked parameter. If you want to control this option value
based on the output of another component, you can create a mapping from
any output parameter of that component to the parameter in the design
driver component, which is linked to the option value.