Allowed number of sub-flow runs |
This value sets the limit on the number of sub-flow
runs that the strategy will perform. |
Subflow Batch Size (Parallel only) |
Pointer-2 attempts to submit design points in batches equal to the subflow batch size.
This setting allows you to match your optimization setup to your available compute resources.
For example, if you have 16 SEE Stations available to solve an optimization problem,
you should turn on parallel and set the subflow batch size to 16 to keep all 16 stations working
on the optimization problem at the same time.
This option applies only when you have selected Execute in parallel. The default value is 4
Automatic |
This option forces the Pointer-2 strategy to use a
hybrid combination of all the optimization techniques. |
User Defined |
This option allows you to choose the optimization technique
that the Pointer-2 strategy uses to solve the design optimization problem.
Use the Optimizer selection list to select one
of the following techniques:- Evol
- Hooke-Jeeves
- Sequential Quadratic Programming (NLPQL)
- Nelder and Mead Downhill Simplex
- Multifunction Optimization System Tool (MOST)
- Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Algorithm
(Automatic only) Design space topography
type |
This option describes the general behavior of the output
functions. Select one of the following:- smooth for output functions
with no irregular or abrupt changes in the output values.
- rough for output
functions with numerical noise and/or irregular or abrupt changes in
the output values.
- discontinuous if your
feasible domain has several disjoined regions.
- unknown if you do not know any
specific information about your output functions.
Penalty value for failed runs |
This parameter represents the value of the Penalty
parameter that is used for all failed subflow runs. The default value
is 1.0E30. |
Objective value for failed runs |
This parameter represents the value of the Objective
parameter that is used for all failed subflow runs. The default value
is 1.0E30. |
Maximum Failed Runs |
If this option is selected, the specified value is
used to set the maximum number of failed subflow evaluations that can
be tolerated by the Pointer-2 strategy. If the number of failed runs
exceeds this value, the Pointer-2 strategy will terminate execution.
When this option is not selected, the Pointer-2 execution will continue
despite any number of failed subflow runs. |
Use fixed random seed |
If this option is selected, the random number generator
used by the optimization algorithm is seeded using the value specified
in the corresponding text box. All executions of the Optimization component
will use exactly the same sequence of random numbers and, therefore,
will produce exactly the same design points. This arrangement is useful
for debugging the optimization process when it is necessary to reproduce
the same sequence of design points. If this option is not selected, the random number generator
is seeded by using the clock time at the moment of execution. |
Execute in parallel |
Select this option to execute design points in parallel,
small batches. The size of the batch depends on the technique that the
Pointer-2 strategy is currently executing. It is related to the number
of selected design variables for numeric techniques or to the size of
the population for exploratory techniques. |
Restore optimum design point after execution |
Select this option to set parameters to the best design
point after execution. If this option is not selected, the optimization
keeps all parameters at their last values (last execution of the subflow)
after execution. |
Re-execute optimum design point |
Select this option to force the Pointer-2 strategy
to re-execute the optimum design point after the optimization ends. Re-execution
is recommended if there are some output parameters that are not directly
involved in optimization, but their values depend on the values of design
variables (e.g., output file parameters). |
Use automatic variable scaling |
Select this option to scale design variables using
their respective ranges (i.e., distances between their upper and lower
bounds). Isight
removes the Scale Factor column from the Variables
tab because the values of scale factors are calculated automatically.
You must define all upper and
lower bounds (or allowed values) for all design variables when this option
is selected. If some design variables do not have bounds, you will not
be able to use this option.