Selecting the ANSYS Workbench Project and Parameters

After you select an ANSYS Workbench project file, the component scans it and displays the available parameters. You can then select the parameters that you want to use in your Isight model.

  1. Double-click the ANSYS Workbench component icon .

    The ANSYS Workbench Component Editor appears.

  2. From the ANSYS Workbench Component Editor, click the Parameters tab.

  3. Click Browse.

  4. Navigate to the ANSYS Workbench project (.wbpj) file you want to use, and click Open.

    If you want to use custom Python scripts, select Use Custom Script from the Advanced tab before selecting the project file.

    An archive (.zwp) of the ANSYS Workbench project and its supporting files is created in the directory where the used project (.wbpj) file is present.

    lf you double-click the .zwp file, a directory zwpContents is created in the temp directory, in which the contents of the .zwp file get extracted. The selected ANSYS Workbench project is launched.

    Note: If the ANSYS Workbench model contains imported geometry, the component creates a subdirectory called ImportedFilesByAnsys in the same directory as the project file and copies the geometry files to the subdirectory. In addition, the component creates file parameters for each of the imported geometry files.

    The parameters in the ANSYS Workbench project are displayed in the Available Parameters area.

    To be able to use the parameters in your Isight model, you need to add them to the Isight Parameters area.

  5. If you are working with a large number of parameters, you can do the following to sort and filter the parameters in Isight.

    • Sort the parameters by clicking the corresponding column header.

      The first click sorts the column data in ascending order. The second click sorts the column data in descending order. A third click returns the data to its original unsorted state. The small arrow icons to the right of the column heading indicate the current sorting option.

    • Filter by Mode or by Type.
    • To view certain aspects of the parameters, type the parameter name in the Filter box.

  6. Select the parameters you want to use in your Isight model by doing any of the following:

    Option Description
    Click the check box Select an individual parameter.
    Click Add all the parameters.
    Click Clear the selected parameters.

  7. Add the selected parameters to the Isight Parameter area.

    • Click to add the selected parameters to the Isight Parameter area.
    • Click to remove the selected parameters from the Isight parameter area.

    The variables added to the Isight Parameter area can be used in your Isight model.

  8. Click OK to save your changes and to return to the Design Gateway.