About the Six Sigma Results Aggregate Parameter

When a Six Sigma component is created and configured, Isight creates an output aggregate parameter called Six Sigma Results. After execution, every Six Sigma component that uses the Six Sigma run mode writes some basic results to this results aggregate.

The following items are included in the Six Sigma Results aggregate parameter:

  • Defects per Million. For all selected responses, the number of defects per million parts, based on the response distribution and limits.

  • Mean. For each random variable and response, the mean of the sample data.

  • Probability of Failure. For all selected responses with limits defined, the probability of violating those limits.

  • Probability of Success. For all selected responses with limits defined, the probability of satisfying those limits.

  • Sigma Level. For all responses with limits defined, the sigma level (based on response limits, response standard deviation, and probability of success).

  • Standard Deviation. For each random variable and response, the standard deviation of the sample data.

  • System. The statistics (sigma level, probabilities of failure and success, and defects per million) for the entire system, where all the response constraints are considered together. Limits places on random variables do not influence these statistics.

Note: You must use a Monte Carlo technique for the Six Sigma Analysis and at least one response limit must exist for this item to be available in the Six Sigma Results aggregate.