Overview of Pointer Technique

The Pointer technique can efficiently solve a wide range of problems in a fully automatic manner because of a special automatic control algorithm. The goal of the Pointer technique is to make optimization more accessible to nonexpert users without sacrificing performance.

The Pointer technique consists of a complementary set of optimization algorithms:

  • linear simplex,

  • sequential quadratic programming,

  • downhill simplex, and

  • genetic algorithms.

One of the problems with optimization is that “there is nothing you can say about an arbitrary system.” This statement is correct to some extent. However, the following observations can be made. First, a system can be classified once more is known about it. Second, once classified, there is some combination of optimization methods that would work better than random guessing.

Knowing the type of system you have is critical to being able to solve the system efficiently. Optimization theory has always been developed the other way around. Assuming that the system has a certain mathematical form, what is the most cost efficient way of optimizing this system? Over time, a large collection of optimization methods based on such assumptions were developed. Each of these methods had many degrees of freedom to adapt the method to the problem at hand. In essence, the specific problem that people wanted to solve (e.g., design a lighter structure) was now transformed into finding the right algorithm for designing the structure. This second task was in many ways a harder task than the original. For many engineers and scientists, the problem was transformed from a known to an unknown domain. As a consequence, optimization technology did not become the big commercial success for which many had hoped.

Therefore, the issue of control became a driving factor in the development of the Pointer optimization engine. The Pointer technique uses a proprietary algorithm that automatically controls a set of optimization resources. Similarly, the Pointer technique efficiently solves a wide range of problems in a fully automatic manner by harnessing and leveraging the power of a group of distinct complementary optimization algorithms.