Significant changes were applied to the original NSGA to create NSGA-II. The only common feature between the two was adopting non-dominated sorting. NSGA-II has Pareto archive and population for genetic search just like Strength Pareto Evolutionarily Algorithm (SPEA). However, it uses Pareto archive more aggressively. In NSGA-II, the number of individuals in archive is , and it is equal to the number of individuals in population . On the other hand, in SPEA, the best number of individuals in archive is generally perceived as one-fourth of the individuals in . Genetic operators of crossover and mutation are performed on population , and the selection for extracting the next generation was applied on set union , creating . The selection consists of two mechanisms: “non-dominated sorting” and “crowding distance sorting.” was generated from by means of selection, the so called “Mating selection.” Meanwhile, Zitzler improved his SPEA. SPEA2 was proposed in 2001. SPEA2 was an improvement over SPEA in the following areas:
The second point mentioned above is the same as the mechanism used in NSGA-II. In addition, SPEA2 and NSGA-II have the following common points between them:
In other words, the outline of the algorithm is similar in both NSGA-II and SPEA2, and the differences exist only in the definition of fitness, the reducing mechanism of the archive, and the selection for . Today, these two algorithms are the main methods for the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm. It is also said that the performance of the two is almost even. |