About the DOE Results Aggregate Parameter

When a DOE component is created and configured, Isight creates an output aggregate parameter called DOE Results. After execution, every DOE component writes some basic results to this aggregate.

The following items are included in the DOE Results aggregate parameter:

  • Statistics. For each factor and response selected, the minimum, maximum, range, mean, and standard deviation.

  • Main Effects. If Perform regression analysis was selected on the Postprocessing tab of the DOE Component Editor, for each response selected the main effect of each factor on that response.

  • Best Point. If an objective was defined for any of the selected responses, the best point (input and output values) of all points executed.

  • Data Set. If the option to write the experimental data to a file parameter was selected on the Postprocessing tab of the DOE Component Editor, you can access these data by clicking the File button in the value cell for this parameter. You can save this information to an external file, if desired.

  • Execution Summary. A brief summary of the DOE setup information (technique type, the number of experiments) and execution results (a table displaying the estimated relative effects that the various factors had on each response) in HTML format.